Our garden is just starting to bloom like crazy and we are humming right along next to the bees making our harvest. The borage is always the first to grace us with her flowers and we've put together a few fun crafts with them. Borage flower vinegar. Though I usually use raw apple cider vinegar, I like white wine vinegars for this one because the flowers impart their beautiful color making a delicate pink brew and I cannot resist it. Collecting a few flowers each morning, being sure to leave enough for the bees, is a quiet meditative practice we enjoy as a family just after we wake.
![Borage Tea](http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4044/4588909017_137be08ba8.jpg)
I'm also enjoying a bit of fresh borage tea. A few flowers make the most sweet delicious cup. Their medicine is priceless to me.
Finally, we've been making scrumptious candies to put in our other teas, on homemade sorbets, and just as little treats.
And.....here's a little video of our candy process. Hope you enjoy!
Borage Flower candies from Latisha Guthrie on Vimeo.
The simple sugar recipe I use is: 1/3 c sugar, 1/4 c water, 1 TB orange juice, and a dash of cinnamon. Melt everything together in a pan until dissolved and cool before using on flowers. Most any fun edible flowers will make great candies.
Welcome to Spring! What are you most looking forward to creating?
Love and Besos, Latisha